Abdominal Evisceration Treatment

Abdominal Bowel Evisceration Treatment

Abdominal Bowel Evisceration is undoubtedly a frightening situation. When the intestine protrudes from the abdomen, the patient will not only feel severe pain, but also face the risk of serious complications such as infection, ischemia and necrosis.

Therefore, it is crucial to take correct first aid measures once this happens.

Abdominal Bowel Evisceration Treatment

First aid on the scene

1. Do not move the patient.
Keep the patient in the original position to minimize further damage. Move carefully only when the environment is seriously dangerous.

2. Do not try to push the intestines back into the body.
Any movement or manipulation may cause further damage. Keep the intestines exposed and wait for professional rescue.

3. Cover the wound with a clean dressing.
Cover the wound with sterile gauze or clean cloth. Avoid direct contact with the wound and exposed intestines.

Simulate Covering Abdominal Evisceration Wound with Gauze Practice Packing Abdominal Evisceration Wound

Wait for professional rescue

1. Maintain the patient’s body temperature.
Cover the patient with a blanket or insulation. Maintain normal body temperature to prevent complications due to hypothermia.

2. Control bleeding.
Gently press around the wound with your hands to control bleeding. Be careful not to directly press on exposed intestines.

Emergency treatment in a hospital

1. Reposition the intestines.
In a sterile environment, slowly and carefully reposition the protruding intestines.

2. Repair the abdominal wall defect.
Sew or use other methods to repair the abdominal wall opening. Make sure the intestines do not protrude through the wound again.

3. Monitor and treat complications.
Monitor the patient’s vital signs and wound condition. Promptly treat any complications such as infection or shock.

Postoperative recovery

1. Wound care.
Regularly change sterile dressings.
Observe wound healing and prevent infection.

2. Nutritional support.
Provide intravenous or tube feeding nutritional support according to the situation.
Ensure that the body obtains adequate nutrition to accelerate healing.

3. Activity restrictions.
Limit activities as directed by the doctor and avoid strenuous exercise.
Reduce abdominal pressure to prevent prolapse from happening again.

4. Complication monitoring.
Closely monitor for complications such as peritonitis and intestinal obstruction.
Take appropriate treatment measures in a timely manner.


Although Abdominal Bowel Evisceration is rare, it is a life-threatening emergency. By mastering the correct Abdominal Bowel Evisceration Treatment on the spot and taking emergency medical treatment in time, we can greatly improve the patient’s survival rate. At the same time, for high-risk groups, prevention is better than cure, and we should be vigilant and detect abnormal conditions as early as possible. Keep learning and constantly improve your first aid skills, so that you can lend a hand and save lives at critical moments.

If you want to have a more intuitive understanding of the structure of the intestine and the situation when the Abdominal Bowel Evisceration, you may consider our large intestine evisceration wound simulator product. It can help you clearly understand the structure of the intestine and improve your ability to respond to such critical situations.

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