control bleeding effectively

Hands-on training teaches various techniques to control bleeding effectively

Uncontrolled bleeding is the top cause of preventable deaths from trauma. Approximately 20% of individuals who lost their lives to traumatic injuries could have survived if someone present had received adequate training in bleeding control. Preventus B.C. , the training center of Mexico EMS, EH&S and safety training, launched its Bleeding Control Training Program. This course is designed to help businesses quickly identify and respond to life-threatening bleeding. Led by experienced instructors, this hands-on training equips organizations with a range of effective bleeding control techniques. This training can help employees be prepared for unexpected injuries.


The Preventus B.C. Bleeding Control Training course covers scene safety, PPE usage, wound identification and hands-on tourniquet application and wound packing. Participants will get an overview of injuries that can cause extreme loss of blood and methods to control bleeding, understand how a tourniquet works and when to apply one.

“Life-threatening bleeding can happen anywhere due to serious accidents,”said director of Training & Certification Center of Preventus B.C.“In emergency situations, every second counts, and our program equips employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to respond effectively.”

“Continuous training for a continuous progress of the self”. For more information about the Bleeding Control Training Program or to inquire about scheduling a training session, visit


The bleeding control kits were offered by MedEduQuest, who supples high-quality bleeding control simulators. The products can help people improve the skills of life-saving traumatic injuries in an emergency.

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